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BHK's Vitamin C 1000 Effervescent Tablets (Orange Flavor) (10 tablets/tube)

TWD $199

TWD $169

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BHK's Vitamin C 1000 Effervescent Tablets


*Vitamin C, a water soluble nutrient is well known for its vital role in the immune system

*Vitamin C is also necessary for the production of collagen and therefore

  important for skin, bone, and joint health

*Acerola cherry extract eliminates free radicals and boosts collagen production

  for younger-looking skin

*Retains firmness and elasticity

*Zinc and vitamin B2 make our skin healthy


Main Ingredients (Per serving):

Vitamin C(Ascorbic Acid) 1000mg,

Zinc(as Zinc Gluconate) 10mg,

Vitamin B2(Riboflavin) 2mg



Dissolve one tablet in a 200ml glass of water daily. Do NOT exceed one tablet per day.


BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets keep you healthy and beauty
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets is suitable for someone lacks of vitaminc,ex.,skin problems,wounds to heal more slowly,bleeding gums
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets is full of beauty power and energy
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets have four features
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets healthy and great tasting
Drinking BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets  maintain skin health
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets dissolved in cold water about 60 seconds
BHK's viaminC1000 effervescent tablets  is safety inspection. No side effects, natural ingredients.
food inspection qualified and 10 million liability insurance secured

BHK's Vitamin C 1000 Effervescent Tablets (Orange Flavor) (10 tablets/tube)

TWD $199

TWD $169


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